Thread: Gay marriages
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Old 01-25-04, 10:29 PM   #107
Posts: n/a

^ you have a lot to learn, my friend. You would distant yourselves from the ones you love, and the most important people in your life because of the simple fact that they are gay? The people that you shared your life with once, just because of their sexual preference?

You've got to see that you are incredibly prejudiced. You say a man raped a 14 year old boy... what does that have to do anything? Would it be better if he raped a 14 year old girl? Rape is a crime and a sin no matter what the sexuality of the criminal is.

You are being very prejudiced - if some gay people do things like this, does that necessarily mean they all do? Whether you like to believe it or not, most homosexuals are normal, well adjusted people. That's just like saying because Hitler was a racist criminal all Germans are doomed to the same fate. I know this is not true, because Germany was the main taker of refugees in my country - they took 50,000-100,000 people from my country and gave them freedom in Germany.

And I also think you are contradicting yourself. I'll probably cop some flack from you, but I am NOT Christian, I am a Muslim. We have different religions, but the premise is the same. Islam also frowns on homosexuality, but it also teaches respect for all people no matter what their sins or preferences are - because thats exactly what it is - THEIR preferences, it has nothing to do with you. I'm pretty sure the Bible teaches the same thing.

"Judge not lest ye be judged"

"God is Love"

"Do unto others what you would have done unto you"

I've read parts of the Bible, and from what I've gathered, it teaches that God loves everyone, but hates their sins. This technically means by saying "all gays should be slaughtered" you are actually going against the word of God, rather than supporting it like you think you are - because God actually loves everyone, but hates their sins. There's a big difference.
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