Thread: Gay marriages
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Old 01-26-04, 12:11 AM   #109
The Necromancer
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Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

Originally Posted by Dixie Normous
1.Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womenkind.It is an abomination.
Read Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22.
To translate it means that a man shouldnt do things with another man that he do with women.Boyah.

2.I read the Bible also.And my favorite book so happens to be Revelation.The book you are prolly scared to read.

3 finally..are you a fag or something?..because you sure are defending gays really tuff and you went and quoted something from a christian gay website..and..thats just...ewwwww..


LOL, that is hardly checkmate. In fact, I was hoping you'd bring up that verse!

Ever read Leviticus? I did a few weeks ago. You want the ACTUAL translation? Here it is:

"V’et zachar lo tishkav mishk’vey eeshah toeyvah hee."

Now, here is the thing. You might READ the bible, but you never bother to UNDERSTAND the bible. Leviticus, Exodus, etcetera were all books written about the Jews and their travels out of Egypt. It is called the Talmud. And the Talmud was one of three books written in the Tanech. These were the books of laws. That's why it deals with things like how to deal with leprosy is to bring it to Aaron. I doubt if I contracted leprosy I'd be able to show it to him. But they could because it was for them. And the laws of the Talmud were written expressivly and exclusivley for the following reasons. 1, to keep a written history of the jews travels. 2, to lay down the law for the jews to follow while they are travelling.

Here is how much weight that verse carrys now and days. None. Not only was it God's commandments to the JEWS, but it was his commandment for THOSE Jews so that they do not behave as the Pagans do. God did not want his chosen to behave as the pagans so as to keep a distinction between the two. In fact, one translation of that verse goes as follows:

"Ritual anal sex between two men in a Pagan temple is forbidden."

That's what that chapter was about. Preventing God's people from behaving as the pagans do as they travelled the desert. Not only are YOU not a jew, but you are not a Jew travelling the desert with Moses.

It's called comprehension. If you're so keen on ignoring the actual story behind the bible, well... try this on for size. If you think keeping the Talmud law is so important, then what about some other verses eh?

What about the very first part of Leviticus? It's all about offering animals to be sacrificed when you sin. You've sinned I'm sure, according to Christianity we are all sinners. According to Leviticus, we are to kill animals when we sin.

What about Leviticus 11:__? That whole part is about animals you can and can't eat. Eating pork is an abomination, eating osprey, eating lobster, eating shrimp, eating rabbit... all abominations. Which is just as bad apparently as you would construte homosexuality to be. Have you ever took part in eating any of those meats? And it's not just those, but read it and it's so much more.

By the way... Revelations was the first book of the bible I read all the way through. Followed by Genesis, then Mathews. Then all the Johns, Psalms, Proverbs, then Exodus. Etc. etc. etc., what about you?
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