Thread: Gay marriages
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Old 01-26-04, 03:51 PM   #115
revenge_archer's Avatar
Posts: 47

can i say something here..... in the bible there are other 200 accounts of laws contradicting straights in some way, and maybe 6 accounts for homosexuals...... now i dun see people being hetrophobic cos of tht, gays are cool, i got tons of lesbian mates and gay mates.

and honestly if one was too approach me and say they want to marry there lover, id bloody throw a party, whether there partner is same sex or not. and my old religion frowned extremly on homosexuality,and i still have extrem respect for gays etc, cos my religion also (in my dads country) he hates jews,muslims,chinese,coloured he hates everyone but my friends are not only homosexuals but come from all differnt back grounds, cos race, colour, sexuality all tht shit dun faze me cos isnt there a command saying "love thy neighbour as thy would love thyself" (or something like tht i dun read the bible much) it dosent say "unless ur neighbour is a homosexual" it just clearly says "love thy neibhour" and to the guy tht said a guy raped a yound boy, ok yes thts bad but, straights rape girls/guys (depending on if the criminal is guy or girl) aswell, does tht mean if ur friend told u he was straight u would distants urself?? thts a really stupid reason to hate gays.

im not saying go out and be mates wit every gay u see, im just saying cut them some slack.

fuck u!
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