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Old 01-26-04, 05:10 PM   #1
Feeble Minded
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Triple L: Predictions


Predicitons by Aisle 5

[..LLL Predictions..]

This week LLL finally seems to be headed in the right direction, among the new potential talented heads are Token, Dixie Normous, Wise Ways, and Fue-Xion. We'll see how it pans out over the course of a few weeks, as the LLL will quickly weed out the weaker battlers. However, Token and Fue-Xion will quickly emerge as solid battlers in LLL. As for the other two, they better hope they do well this week and next if they want a shot at staying in. This is no longer front lines ladies and gentlemen.

The LLL has many of it's familliar faces with some in very different places. Feeble has gone from a good head to being the HW Champ, as he won the tourney last month. Evolve still remains as the most consistent battler and will always be. Walter Wall looks to be in contention for the belt, and was among the final four in the tourney. Expect him to stand tall in LLL, he has proven himself week in and week out. M~M is still among the best in LLL, and Bribe is proving himself a nice battler as well.

With that said, let's get on with the matches shall we?!

HW Matchup: Feeble Minded (6-4) Vs. Evolve (8-1)

if both of them come their hardest this will be the best matchup of the week, both are very ill indeed. Evolve is known for his witty remarks, flawless flow, and complex rhyme scheme. He will not be easy to defeat at all. Feeble, is known for his hard hitting punches and wordplay. Cunning personal punches are his only shot. However, Evolve will take this and claim the title once again.

MW Matchup: Walter Wall (4-1) Vs. Dimense (5-2)

This, will also be one of the best matchups this week. Dimense has never done anything but half-ass his battles. Walter does the same. I think that if either of them slouch and the other doesn't, the lazy one will lose. Dimense has extremely witty n' funny punches. While Walter is known for his extremely complex wordplay and his wittyness. In a close one I'll pick Walter, but it should be a good one.

LW Matchup: Mystery~Murdera (7-1) Vs. K.Largo (5-4)

Ahh, I'm liking this matchup. Mystery is one of my favorite battlers on RB, he always has me rolling with those punches. He is very underrated, but is well-known on RB. K.Largo has a unique battling style, his wordplay is hidden, his flow is nonstop, and is just a solid battler when he tries. I'll take Mystery on this, he just is better than Bribe in many aspects. Should be good though.

Taktik (8-3) Vs. 13th Disciple (7-3)

Damn, this one oughta be a good one. Taktik is just ill, and so is 13th. I think this will come down to whose rustier, which I believe is 13th. Taktik is well known and so is 13th. This could have been a heavyweight matchup, but I'll Taktik by a hair. I doubt either are going to do anything but half ass it anyways.

Fgee (6-2) Vs. MentILL (2-3)

Blah. That's all I gotta say. I really doubt Fgee is going to even show, I hardly see him these days. Mentill is more of a topical head, but is a solid battler. I'll take MentILL though in a close one.

Rhode (1-0) Vs. Lethargic (4-0)

D.O.P.E! Both of these kids are fuckin' ill. No joke. Rhode posts at a different site, but I have heard he is extremely ill. Good, he'll make a nice matchup for one of the best battlers on RB, Lethargic. I would compare Leth's style a bit to G.Hod if anybody. We'll see if Rhode shows up, if he does it should be dope. I'll take Lethargic in a dope one.

Aisle Phive (3-3) Vs. Dixie Normous (0-0)

I haven't seen much of this kid, and I'm too lazy to research his battles. I'm still a bit rusty at battling, but I'll kick it in gear soon. I can't really comment on this one really since it's my own battle, nuff' said.

COM (4-5) Vs. Jack N Bank$ (1-1)

Should be an aight matchup, I guess. Com has been elevating and battling lately. Koncept is a bit rusty and has been doing audio instead of text within the past weeks. I'll take Com though.

N LitEnd (3-0) Vs. FuE-Xion (0-0)

N LitEnd I would imagine is pretty damn rusty, I ain't seen em' around much at all. I've seen a few of FuE's battles and he has some potential. Still, I'll take N LitEnd for the fact he has much more experience battling in LLL than FuE.

Token (0-0) Vs. Wise Ways (0-0)

Here's the addition of a few newer heads, both with potential. I like Token, he has battled a lot (more than me) and is really elevating his game. I really don't know too much about Wise Ways. I think he was Kaos Theories before, if he is then I think Token will take this fairly easy. This will be a big test to both. Still, I think Token will take this.

All in all we have a lot of new talent coming in, and a lot of vets are still vets. LLL is improving drasticly. And for everybody in the league, especially the vets. Do us a favor and. .