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Old 01-26-04, 11:05 PM   #84
This is my first post!
DªÖ's Avatar

white semetrys of the ambulance become so clearly
as i closely inspect the rest of the quarter of fear in me
the sheer beilief that i would get away from the speed
of metal will i go to hell havent been the perfect son
but God knows everydays a struggle to a saddend pun
Mistake of a teenager, ive come to see life and after doesnt care
Fear bares and scares the lonley child in my as i feel fingers through ma hair
tear of terror runs down my mothers face too bad it had to happen this way
now she cries but all i knew was hate within her constant expression
i lover her still tho even after those words "ill teach of a lessson"
Sad to think that all i was doing was walking down the street
battle of the colors, no one died but the bystander, fuckin me.

nex topic : Gods will
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