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Old 01-26-04, 11:10 PM   #1
..A New Breed of Femcee..
DaGyrlRemarqabL's Avatar
Posts: 454
..Empty "Im Sorries"..


Please, I dont want another empty "Im sorry,"
I'm already wounded and that'd further scar me.
I can't stand to hear all your cheap, hollow words,
which for listening so long to I sure must deserve.
Once so strong, I feel a sense of my pride has just died,
It's like some part of me just shrivels up inside.
When you say things, all the confidence I've earned
is withered and all my insecurities confirmed.
You take hold of my doubts and your grip on them's firm,
as they spread out through my entire body like a germ.
You think you so easily deceive me, perhaps,
while your face forms a lie but inside your heart laughs?
"I love you" : Words to me which have nothing behind them,
Sometimes a person needs more to remind them,
Please, if you're sorry, dont say it but show it,
You tell me you love me but I really don't know if-
you mean it, I ask you, to write with your heart,
for a start, using ink from your souls deepest part.
Just tell me, this once, it's sad that I need to hear it,
This air between us, I beg you to clear it..
Do this for me..To make me feel better..
I beg you, if you love me, please write me this letter.........

He said he's not "whipped", he says more empty sorries,
The room slowly spins and my vision grows starry,
He doesn't understand, he won't show me he loves me,
He can't take one minute to write me or hug me.
Says I want to belittle him, he says it's not right,
whats belittling about bringing your love back to life?
I'll never know, but his immature ego was too much,
and his empty im sorries simply just weren't enough.
A letter of his love, it wasn't much to engage,
But his loverboy blood never dripped on the page.
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