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Old 01-27-04, 10:30 AM   #3
Middle Weight
L.A.STR~E~TZ's Avatar
Posts: 441
From: dreams

wow, a very and i mean VERY real poem. most ppl can relate to this poem in a way or another. I read this poem yesterday night and went to sleep still thinkin about it. I also am the type of boyfreind that says sorry alot but, i always try to show how much i am sorry and that i really love her. back to the poem, the vocab wasnt extremely complex, but that doesnt matter in this poem because this piece is droven by emotion and regrets and wanting. the flow was very unique and in that unique manner or rhyming, it made it special. I definetely have to say big ass props for the flow. the message was simple yet human. so almost anyone could relate, almost anyone would know wat you are talkin about, and almost anyone could feel your emotion. feeling was strong, i felt your pain, regret, and frustration. I also like how in some of the parts, you explain how you think he feels, and how he thinks you are tryin to control him.

overal=great message, good vocab, extreme emotion, perfect and unique flow. great poem, definetely one that stands out, and definetely one of my favorites.
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