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Old 01-27-04, 11:40 AM   #21
Gunman tha Great
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by ...OpeY...
this is exactly what file sharing is doing over time. it will help rid the industry of the people who could give a damn about the music. These people have destroyed the industry with greed. All they care about is dollar signs. These people exist on all levels of the music industry. I feel that as a musician it's my duty to take back what is rightfully mine. If you want to support the artists then DONT buy their CDs. If you truly care then for every CD you download, send that artist a dollar. If you did that, you would be paying the artist over 30 times what they wouldve made from that $20 CD. But honestly, the best way to support the artists is to go to their concerts. Buy their shirts and other merchandise from their websites etc. The only artists that are pissed off at file sharing are the artists that own their own labels and production companies, because they make a killing off of CD sales. But if these artists weren't so greedy, they would realize that they make enough money as it is. The movement against over-priced CDs and Artists being shafted by record labels is worth the petty loss in sales that these rich musicians have to deal with.

Bootlegging and file sharing is not ridding the industry of people who don't care about the music. Ok lets say that you are a rapper wit a deal and you have two kids and a wife, now rapping is the only way to put food on the table, u refuse to sell out to go multi platnium instead u just spit yo shit and get a nice fan base and move a gold album, now file sharing and bootlegging takes your gold album away.U got love for the music proving by the fact u won't sell out, but now u broke.

And the price of CD's has dropped like 5 bills, they cost on average eleven dollars now.
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