Thread: Dark Illusions
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Old 01-27-04, 12:16 PM   #6
..A New Breed of Femcee..
DaGyrlRemarqabL's Avatar
Posts: 454

Damn, Necro, this has got to be one of my favorite pieces from you...ever...The content was so extremely riveting, almost like a figment of your imagination or a hallucination as I imagined it in my head...Really unlike anything I've ever read before, I loved it...The first four lines of the first verse were my favorite, so provoking in a mystical kind of way...I dont know, but what I do know is that noone could produce a piece like this except you, because everything about it, its darkenss, its unprecedented creativity and even its eerie aura of magic, is what YOU who better for the job?.....("Eerie Aura.."..Try saying that 5 times fast)
Great writing Necro..
Stay up..we luv you.
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