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Old 01-27-04, 08:17 PM   #7
Posts: n/a

I don't think English comedy should have anything to prove in America. Too many times UK people throw stuff like 'Office' and 'Coupling' when 'mericans attack their comedy...especially sitcoms.

It shows alot of insecurity. Should be content with what it is. If they don't like it, then so be it. Unless the quality of sitcoms on a whole really are that poor. Dis-proportionatly at the least. Though i personally don't think so...

I mean many US sitcoms are berated and laughed at (i mean at least the US ones don't laugh AT UK ones..well not as much) by UK critics and people in general. Ridiculed for their blatant sense of humour or mis-use of irony. A crime fighting baby patrolling the streets of NYC through the night, napping peacefully by day...dreaming of the next?! Why i never!

But i guess one must also appreciate why. You know, it's the way the entertainment industry goes round. And what it centres on. And of course one must defend the 'pride of their nation' from time to time. Especially when it comes to such things as comedy and art in general.

Oh, this isn't aimed at anyone in particular. And if one wants to look to the past. Look no further than MOnty Python. Massive in America. And Fawlty Towers. Very big in America. Though the former is a sketch show. Nonetheless...

And kudos for Matt le Blanc not coming ahead of Gervais. Though predictable it would've been, it still would've been kind of tragic. I mean fer fooks sake, tis JOEY!
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