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Old 01-27-04, 08:22 PM   #113
Wielded Rage
Posts: n/a

Talkin bout "herbs" that just a de-scribing word.
My foot and you'll ass are bout ta be merged.
Ya just a mod-arator, outa' call you moda'-hater.
Youre style is whack, ya must smoke crack?
Claim'ing ya got wit,shit you got the IQ of a monkeh's armpit
Lyircaly Loco, an ya home towns feeled with homo's.
Los angel-ies?, heard all da bitch's there stay on tha' knees.

Fatal,you so stoo-pid, ya still in da craddle?
I Heard you where pickin on bounce?...
I only didnt cause I just smoked an ounce.
You must work a mc'donals maken all beef paddies.
I seen you an geroge bush,in the back of 1'a fiff-ties caddies.
Sadly i must end this sheant,theres'a line limit,do as its meant.

*ya crew*

Edit:Yo Bounce~ Can you please check out my suggestion, in the suggestion section ive had no response to it yet...THX.