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Old 01-28-04, 02:56 PM   #15
Banned: Compromised Account
.Iknoevel.'s Avatar
Posts: 2
From: New Jersey


I’m Glad u skilled, But I wonder How Mad U feel//
When U hear tha news That I’m signed for Half a Mil//
Not a punch...try to diss him and not make yourself look good
Look at the Position ya in, It’s like you Fort is empty//
u do More than Tempt me, ammo? Of course theres Plenty//
Not a direct punch
I’m Vicous I close sets, ambitious to Hold Tec’s//
Kill u Overnight you’ll be sleepin wit fishes like Ko-tex//
In da street, Discreet I dispose threats, I beat ya whole bet//
How u drop a Duece expectin to deafeat my Whole Deck//
not really direct again, try to aim it at him
briCK'z will never Beat me, I won, ya Future is Fore-Told//
U still wouldn't Know if I sent u back in Time and Told U In Morse Code//
his name is Diverse not bricks, damn, i either smell a biter or pre-writer
Diverse's a Lame Bitch, Get burned when tha Flamez Blast//
Brainz Bashed, As far as yo corpse goes, Ya Framez Scrapped//
ok ending


i'll expose this kid Scandals, an exact replica just like watergate
more than you can handle, your losin faster than water weight
Decent opener
kids just too dumb, ya avi is probably the brightest thing u got
even if u were a granite stone worker you couldn't rock the spot
not a bad punch..
too much for you to handle, your creative outlet power surges
herb wanted to battle despite my essence, guess he got urges
so-so, coula been re-worded to hit harder
blind spit but you can feel my words, technically it's braille
cuz lyrically i'm well distinguished, like post graduates from Yale
Another Decent punch....hit him well
Beatin me is unobtainable, like Greek mythologies Golden Fleece
End this battle? you said it best, "fuck this shit i'm outty peace"
ok closer to end this

overall - Diverse clearly took and raped this newbie...skan try to elevate more before you challenge elevated cats...battle some newbies
