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Old 01-28-04, 06:44 PM   #89
The Last Sage
Posts: n/a


I find it funny how everyone in this thread keeps using the term "wigger!"... Tell me now, what exactly is a wigger? I think I know where the "igger" part comes from, in which case it is belittling to African Americans as well. So a WIGGER is someone who tries to act black eh? Funny because I know of black people that dont dress or speak with urban inner city clothing OR dialogue.. go figure.... so what do you call someone that is only acting and dressing like themselves? Because you have a different skin color you are able to wear certain clothes and talk a certain way and its fine, but if someone else does it with a different color of skin, its not fine? Hmm I think they have a word for that... its called.... racist. Now shut the fuck up and let people be whatever they want to be. You dont get to decide how people talk or dress.
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