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Old 01-28-04, 07:01 PM   #12
Middle Weight
Posts: 828
From: Campbellsville

N Litend

Aisle’s Right, I Am Rusty…
…But That Means Your Leaving Wit An L And Tetanus!!


That was the only line N had that I felt shined through. Your verse was packed with tons of weaker punches...but that was the problem, they're weaker punches. You're flow was kinda eh here and there. Not a great verse, but not a horrible one either.


Cuz The Only Time You Ruin Pretty Records
....Is When Your Featured On It!!


Your Punches Remind Me......
...Of The First Half In The Name Of Your Crew!

^Could've used slightly better wording...but dope nonetheless

Even Your Location Says Im Beating You Periodically....Its Amazin!!


You had a couple other decent punches, but those were the ones that really stood out to me. Nice flow through it. Consistent with your punches. Definitely a nice addition to the league. Glad to see you're here. I could go into detail, but there's no need. Obvious to me...

Vote ~ Fue