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Old 01-28-04, 08:45 PM   #8
Middle Weight
Posts: 828
From: Campbellsville

You dirty slut Cam, lol. stop freeposting. Even though I'm freeposting to tell you to stop freeposting. Which, in effect, will cause Feeble to close this thread. However, I'm going to be the smart one..


Feeble vs Evolve: Feeble's Inconsistent. Word to that. I just found that out by my time residing on RnR. Evolve just doesn't give a fuck, and that's truth. Only problem is, even without caring, he almost always comes unbelievably hard in battles. Feeble's dope when he gets serious and tries. Which, this match would pretty much give him a reason to try. Evolve, well, I don't know. Nobody knows too much about him, but I'd say he'll come hard enough to take the win. It'll be damn close though...should be the best battle this week.

Walter Wall vs Dimense:
Word to Walter Wall. Where...the fuck...did this guy come from? I remember when he first came to the site. I was like, "yeah, this guy's decent". Now he's like one of the top people on the site. As for Dimense, kid will be forever dope, that's truth. A lot of people would call that an over-exaggeration of his skills...well fuck you. Dimense half asses every verse he does and outshines a lot of the regulars in the league. Due to the fact that these are predictions I have to choose....even though this is almost too hard to choose. I'm gonna take Walter Wall, cuz sharing is caring, and Walter will be sharing his punches and making Dimense realize how much he should cared about the battle. Is in contention for being the best battle of the week.

Mystery~Murderer vs K.Largo: all know him. He's definitely a competitor to watch out for. However, MM takes his opponents the same way I do. He comes as hard as he thinks he needs to for the win...nothing more. So, this battle really depends on Bribe if you ask me. One of the most inconsistent battlers in the league. One week you'll be thinking, "What the fuck was that?" week, "Niiiiiice shiiiiit!". When he comes hard...he brings it to extremes. Only problem is...will he come hard? I think that alone will be the determining factor. Overall, I'd give it to Mystery, but don't be surprised if Bribe comes forth with an upset.

Taktik vs 13th Disciple:
Ahh...Taktik and 13th. Taktik's latest verses have been none too impressive. Does that mean he lacks skill? Of course not...but as of late, I haven't seen anything dope from him. As for 13th, I hate his structure. The only verse I've ever enjoyed of his was his diss to Lady D. It's not my style. That doesn't mean shit though...a hard punch is a hard punch, and he knows how to throw them. I don't know, tough call. I say, if Taktik comes like the HW Taktik we remember, he should take it. However, if he stays on some bullshit, 13th takes it easy.

Fgee vs Mentill:
I predict Fgee no shows and Mentill wins...seriously.

Rhode. vs Lethargic:
Rhode is dope. No doubt about it. I remember the big upset against Krupp on RnR. Granted, Krupp didn't put forth his full effort, but he didn't slouch either. Rhode murdered him in that battle. This kid's nothin to scoff at. More than likely, very few of you have seen, or even heard, of Rhode. Trust me, check the battle, it'll be worth it. As for me? I'm still not up to my level that I was at in '99. However, since I've started back...I've made a drastic increase in skill from where I was in Sept of '03. I'm very inconsistent though. I'll come thorough one week...then drop some nasty shit that not many people are feelin too much the next. This week, I know my competition, and he's real. The only problem is, I don't give a fuck about battles. So, the fact that I'm battlin Rhode doesn't mean shit to me as far as how hard I'll come. It's all a matter of what comes to me when I put up my verse. As for predictions, no decision. It's my own damn battle.

Aisle 5 vs Dixie:

Decided: Winner - A5


No friggen clue. KoN tells me he's elevated, but I don't know. I haven't seen any of his latest battles. As we all remember from the 3-way between Feebs, A5, and KoN...KoN can come hard. It's just that he doesn't always. COM...well, COM used to be a really nice battler. Then he fell off, and I mean hard. He's making a comeback to where he was. However, he still needs a lot of work. I think this should be a good matchup. Neither of these 2 suck and they're right at about the same level. I'm gonna leave it up to fate to decide.....and just throw in right at the last second that I think KoN will take it in a close battle.

N Litend vs FuE-Xion:

Decided: Winner - FuE

Token vs Wise Ways:

Kaos Theory eh? How the hell did you get in here? How the hell did you get in WiTs EnD for that matter? Seriously though, he can come up with some nice concepts when he wants to. It's all just a matter of how much effort he puts into his verse. Token, supposedly elevated a lot. I haven't seen any of his latest battles. However, from what I know of Token...and from what I've seen from Wise Ways...and from what I've recently heard about Token...I give it to Token.

Lirael One vs Def Con:

Decided: Winner - Def Con

Horud Skys vs BTK:
Horud never impressed me. BTK hasn't either. However, I know Horud can come nice if need be. No offense to him, but I've never seen a verse from BTK that I would call nice. I predict Horud glides through the battle.

Allegory vs Punch N Words:

Ask me...Allegory is gonna rape this guy. I got a cheat sneak peek on this prediction. I saw Punch's verse, nothin too great. Allegory, as we all know, can come up with some original concepts and okay verses. Might be a close battle...but I doubt it. Vote ~ Allegory.

Avalonious vs Auspicious:

Funny how the two A ous's got paired together. Don't know much about Avalon, but he used to considered one of the best. As for Aus...from what I know...he's more topical. Based on rep - Avalon

^Damn, broke it down Mag style O_o