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Old 01-29-04, 09:14 AM   #10
Antonio Banderas
Free Agent
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Posts: 395
From: Maryland

CASHVILLIN - ur flow was pretty basic and you used elmentry rhymes.... The punches that you used didnt hit hard. U need to use a better range of words.

Kid Killa - had the better punches in this battle. Also, the wordplay and overall better personalized verse helped him clearly win this battle.

Both MCS had outstanding flow and both verses rhymed well.....

Here is the breakdown.....
Flow - Tie
Punches - Kid Killa
Wordplay - Kid Killa (Every other verse Kid Killa had used some descent wordplay)
Structure - TIE
Creativity - Kid Killa (Even though the other guy had a creative verse, Kid Killa posted a better all around verse)

I vote kid Killa in this battle

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Battle Verses Quelude

Battle Verses Killa Kid

The Comeback

||Sonny Barz! - The Middle Weight 1-2 Punchline Champion||SickHead.||Fly-E||Antonio Banderas|

Mystic (Traitor)