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Old 01-29-04, 04:11 PM   #1
Born To Kill
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Posts: 2,936
From: Houston, Texas
Advice on Females...


Let the old man spell it out, seeing as I've been fuckin for 20 years...
Gather round young bucks and listen up, this could save ya alotta tears.

For starters...
A bitch can't know ya want her, don't act like ya lonely when alone...
So before she can do it first, YOU put HER ass in the "friend" zone.
NEVER ask what she's doin, only say what ya gonna be up to...
But make it good and dope, or she won't wanna do it with you.
That part's your department, you know more than me bout ya city...
But trust me, keep on readin, and soon you'll be grippin them titties.
The introduction to you...
Once ya get her ta wanna follow, ya gotta at first say no...
"Naw, it's kinda a small crowd, and I ain't breakin our flow".
But the very next time she asks, and she will if ya play this game...
Go head and let her tag along, but be sure and forget her name.
"Damn, I do that all the time, please don't take it personal...
I'm just a bit nervous with you, and feel I shoulda had a rehearsal."

See, that's a mindfuck, that'll have a bitch thinkin ya mysterious...
"He doesn't even know my name, but he likes me, is he serious?"
Keep em guessin, otherwise ya end up classified as this or that...
And you need ta be a bit of all of it, if ya plan on taking her back...
To your crib...
And it must, this is important, help you portray a canvas blank...
A bitch don't wanna see pics of ya past, or any remnants of skank.
Toss ya old pics and cards, bullshit from past lives that're done...
Make the place someplace fresh, but don't have too much fun.
Cuz if ya wanna keep this bitch, fuckin her first date won't fly...
Go head and do it, but know for sure, she's done it with other guys.
But if you don't push and she don't push, you can hit her mentally...
Have her jizzing in her brain cuz ya touched her heart conversationally.
If it's possible have her stay the night, maybe drink too much, whatever...
Sleep together but just hold her tender, this is what's called being clever.
Hittin it for real...
Now when the time is right, and it oughta be after a couple of weeks...
Of first hookin up with her, showin ya shit, and first caressing her cheek.
Lay the girl down slow, be gentle and please don't ask for head...
That's just selfish and stupid, cuz you're way too new to her bed.
Don't go down on her either, less she motions you down there...
That shit can be too intimate, but let her know ya want to and ya care.
Just use what nature gave ya, and I stress, let her be the boss...
Move how she wants and when she wants, and you'll get ya point across.
Leave your girl satisfied, have her exclaim happiness in multiples...
But don't let ego take ya for a ride, or you'll get tossed like catapults.
Cuz others can do what you've just done, nothin special bout ya dick...
No matter what you think you know, there's others with better pricks.
Your legacy...
Always leave em wantin more, and not just in the pants...
Show her constant respect, and she'll always wanna dance.
Now I ain't talkin brown nose, let me be extremely clear on this...
A woman will always walk on a doormat, but rarely stoop ta kiss.
Ya gotta man up, be tha bad ass, cuz ya know good girls like bad boys...
DMX mighta said it best, but he wasn't the first one shoutin that noise.
Never hurt ya girl, but ya gotta show there's violence in ya brain...
Cuz no bitch wants ta be with a wimp who melts in tha fuckin rain.
Showing her props, but remaining a man, ensures you'll earn her respect...
That way she'll love ya and never cross the line, fearin she'll get decked.
But ya never do, cuz she never does, all she'll do is tell her friends...
"My man is all this and all that, loves me and will do so till the end!"
The result...
I'll keep this short and sweet, cuz damn, I know I've rambled...
Even if things turn ta shit, following my advice was worth the gamble...
Cuz the whole time you were with her, you repped the ultimate man...
Did all the right things at all the right times, and was her biggest fan.
That shit'll be remembered, long as you weren't selfish or possessive...
Fucka breakup, you came out dope and to her friends pretty damn impressive.
So pick up the phone after a week or too, and exercise some more skill...
But don't call ya ex, she won't respond, but trust, one of her friends will.
The End

Open Mic's Peeped...
Keystyle, 10 Solid Lines by Antonio Banderas
Quick Key by Phase Wun
Fuck you Want?? feat Credz by Edicius
Dreams of Fucking an Industry Chick by Gunman tha Great
Merkings will occur Monday thru Friday, 8 am thru 5 pm, C.S.T.
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