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Old 01-29-04, 08:10 PM   #13
Adage, Aphorism, Maxim.
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Posts: 2,158
From: The Golden State

I gotta go with Mynd Full on this one. His personals were very witty.

hhmm...need personals...well young what you suggest I should do...
just bring your best...and not that kid in the picture with you...
get ya weight up stand a chance you’ll need a few muscles...
flirtin wit death...but must admit you guys do make a cute couple...
^These personals regarding the picture killed it, they both actually made me laugh. Mynd's verse was good overall, but your finisher wasn't that great, work on that some more.

Young P:
Nothing from your verse really stood out. The, "my first word sums it up" is witty... but played. Only punch I liked was the...
Believed he actually could rap well but realized to me, he was a reither.
So he tried out fortune telling. . .

DaKurse2000: Im going to beat you

. . . Looks like he's not good at that either!

Your finisher was decent... but you fed off his verse a bit and that just cemented my opinion that Mynd Full is the winner.

Don't sway votes either. Like you did after W1CKED's vote.

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<center>An original RB Member. Yes, we're that much better.</center>
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