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Old 01-29-04, 09:50 PM   #8
Banned: Compromised Account
.Iknoevel.'s Avatar
Posts: 2
From: New Jersey

RK- you had very basic punches that didnt really connect didnt have any good wordplay, personals, and the only thing you had decent was flow. try to improve on ya punches cuz they are the most important part in battling. make them more complex and take a trip to Wackness Emergancy Center to get help, youll get there u just need some practice. most of ya punches were basic and other words wack

lyric - you had a overall decent verse wit some good solid punches. ya wordplay was aight and you flowed very nicely. move on to more elevated people and stop battling these newbies...give em a chance to elevate. you could actually cut ya lines down a bit, they are alittle to would help ya flow be better. for the most part though ya drop was good, try to add more metas though.

my vote - lyric...he simply came harder and better in most catagorys
