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Old 01-29-04, 10:44 PM   #20
_-Lucky Rabbits Foot-_
SyaNidal's Avatar
Posts: 644
From: PenNsyLvaNIa

gazeebo-ok punches a few played but its all good.... at least ya had some-
ya structure wus easy read and flowed ok not great but decent...
some ok metaphors... again played but still beter than none right?
multis ehh didnt really see non...

B.Rantis(wannabe B. Rabbit lol)-anyway structure SUCKED.... flow wus horrible since
i coudlnt even read your structure... didnt see a damn punch in ya verse cept maybe
one punch... that everyons heard before...metaphors none i dsont tink.... u took
the multis category tho! woooo!....

OverAll-GaZeeBo... hit up my battle wit assassins tryin to end it...
peep my open mics... Pz....
_-SyaNidal-_ AKA _-BugZ-BunNy-_....
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