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Old 01-30-04, 01:10 PM   #1
New to RB
thephilosopher's Avatar
Posts: 73
From: near champaign illinois
Dialect and PrimateUA DISS(funny as HELL)


no soundclick for this one

here's the lyrics

CfourD’s that melancholy imposter
Pale pigment gets to self-confidence therefore he never prospers/
Mental retardation and a thick lisp gets a laugh/
Goof ass, white trash, no potential, rides the shaft/
Can’t garb a beat for his mere existence/
Your garbage boy, when you gonna listen/
Second hand meth smoke tweaked this boy into a hype/
You have me rolling showing my dimples like a fat woman with Cellulite/
You got balls to point out my flaws/
When your twenty syllable lines stretch father than oprahs drawls/
Fuckin fake, you’re more plastic then Barbie dolls/
This dick rider takes more shit then a buffet’s bathroom stalls/
You’re fucking CA-CA/
This muthfucker shaking more than maracas/
Calling him out for being a style jocker/
Kid you’ll never have a single fan/
I respect and give more props to Duran Duran/
I’m sorry if I made your lame ass bitter/
But I’ll never stop spitting shit even if I was in a room full of litter/
You can catch this kid jerkin’ his pud to Barney/
His aptitude test said that his soul purpose was to be a Carney/
I’m the type of cellmate to rub my nuts on your tooth brush/
Your style changes more than Pam Anderson’s bust/
This kid could never dish out shit he’s faded/
Like Mc hammer when he’s constipated/
This kids style is uglier than with Lyle Lovits/
I’m like Jim Henson, I work this fuckin puppet/
My advice, stop sounding like a retard and trying so hard/
Son I’m onehundred present phat like freshly cut lard/
This kid sticks to dicks like tar/
Ride mine with UA in the sidecar/

This primate started the evolution concept/
The first muthafucker to try to go tech/
But can’t grasp any of the styles aspects/
I’ll hippie flip and wig/
Ill split your wig and flip you fuckin’ hippie on some real shit/
Man, when you flow show some heart/
U can’t spit real shit, your esophagus just farts/
Me I attract all the senoritas/
Cuz when I flow its like my mouth has explosive dierreaha/
This dude’s mom should have squirt you back on the sheet/
Cuz this cats 27 and still waiting for ends to meat/
I flow hard and on point/
Dropping joints/
When battling me your prone to disappoint/
Cuz it’s like flipping a double-sided coin/
When its heads and u called the region of the groin/
Cuz when I spit, You feel like an orphan on Christmas eve/
Sadden cuz all you got was knowledge to receive/
Nothing but worthlessness to be believed/
Your status dies, I laugh as you grieve/
Sorry if I made you lose your dreams/
But you were hanging off my nuts so hard I need topical cream/
You’re as shitty as Irv Gotti mixed with a portapotty/
But my punches are so hard you could say this is lyrical karate/
Yo man,
Your day has passed/
Take a brake I think FourD needs it in the ass/

Cats wanna criticize with a weak basis of judgement
So if your a lame ass underground cat dont reply to my topics(you know who you are)

get at me here


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