Thread: Gay marriages
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Old 01-30-04, 05:21 PM   #147
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by The Necromancer

Woah....! This thread is sooooo gay!

Actually... I'm suprised it hasn't been closed already. Kinda lost it's pount after bouncedoggydogg stopped being here and kinda turned into a "Let's see who can bum each other up the butt first" wrestling match.

Yeah, I got tired of kids with a mental age of negative two twisting my points and making claims that I am insensitive to the rights of homosexuals. When I never suggested insensitivity. I was only describing the problems associated with changing the definiton. Personally thier relations do not bother me one bit. I have worked with many, and even have many friends with gay interest. I would never condem them for their own prefrences, I just do not think radical Judges should be able to alter the definiton without a say from the majority. Let's be democratic and place the issue on the ballot, which has been suggested. Those who understand the majority of americans would not vote to alter the definition, do not want to see this issue on a ballot. They want to by pass the system, and have activist judges alter it on thier own. I do not think that is a wise thing to do, just as I do not think our legal system is gearded to address all the issue's this change would create. That is all, for the very last time. I do hope to see legislation that will protect those couple's, and allow them the tax breaks of married couple. I just can't stand behind the action one man in a robe making that decision for the rest of us.

This should be closed now, as it's become a freeposters haven...
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