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Old 01-30-04, 09:08 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
pull the plug on ignorance (we are all alike)


Yo change the angle…..
no better yet switch the channel.
My screen handle’s a character I play to a life dismantled.
as world watches my sitcom on dot coms-
im an icon….. live via satellite (MOM turn the ZENTITH ON)
Each day an episode of my struggles …..relentlessly-
I play the 1st person normal version (where’s my oscar nominee.)
In my 20/20 perception of real t.v.-
im a product of viewer discretion maniacal society-
Poverty takes casualties-and casualties lead to fatalities-
But who honestly cares this is my life not your reality.
But if you relate to the way I retaliate-
Then it becomes a home video to your same fate.

I’ve never wanted to do this but I did it…..
And never asked the meaning of life till I lived it…..

So i write the musical soundtrack for all these afflicted-
Defiant tyrants to be become addicted.
(Welcome to my fucked up world) ….im your hoast-
Tune into me brain channel for your 330 pm dose.

If When I sleep……..
that’s station complication-
Then when I make love….
that’s mixed reception with the playboy station.

My day to day drama …….relates to my basic carma.
So Im your cable box…. 99 channels each a day in the life-
Each a new episode of trife to feed your martyrs appetite.
My rhythm of life falls between mtv and bet-
I learn my ABC’S of the world on NBC.
Im everything in a fictisious world turn realistic-
Training your brain an opinion for you to be optimistic.
But what you don’t understand is my life is yours except I name it-
And you cry of your exsistance while mine is mere entertainment.
Life aint so complex but we’d rather make it the matrix-
Then to realize we are all a satellite dish to a cable fix and basic.

Ive felt misery through history and no matter which way
I choose to tune I have to wake up to it the next day-
Ive herd tears shed for the dead till they inbed-
Then realized I was in ~bed and it was all in my head.
I taste comedy shivlery and live to pass the time-
Fake realistic staged and now true crime.
I’ve seen enough to realize my life has no love-
So do me a favor turn me off and leave me unplugged.
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