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Old 01-30-04, 09:08 PM   #7
Feeble Minded
Posts: n/a

^ no this really shouldn't be that close ...

Soon as I drop..Count on Wall Dissapearin like Hide an Seek
Cuz like a 'Shootin Star..
ya 3-0 run in the Triple L was just a lucky streak
First line was technically a punch but it was just, basically filler wasnt really a hitting punch..same for the second... ehh punches...
Mw and Tag Champ? U had no hope..without feebles help
U didn’t earn an inside joke.. ur only kiddin urself
me and walter weren't tag team champs. . your lines so far seem very rushed...
Piece By Piece Im Rippin Walls apart.. Like the one in Berlin
Walters just a Pussy.. Reason why this Beef iz Curtainz
avg punch...
Im certain u n Volve have such similar styles ..u gotta admit
B/t not skill wise..its cuz like Richard u long for Dick..
badly worded.
Lil Queer..ur Shit..Fuck you an that fag crew of Trix
DéjÃ- vu..Psst..Silly Faggots….Dicks are for Chicks
no. just no.
Or Bonifide?there jus Bitches who’ll ride ur Sack Strong
So if theres a woman behind every great man….
………Know that Feebs’s wearin tha Strap On?
i dunno who u were calling a man and who a woman but this was played either way . .

Walts verse:
dim’s not bright, Ill keep it simple, fuck wordplay
He throws his …….
hands in the air at my command ………..
………………… it was hearing test Thursday!
not hard hitting but a little funny... you get a "haha" for this line.
It’s ok….
Dim’s a fan, Ill sit back relax and let him blow
Fuck’n hippie…..
Keep on truck’n…….so you can finally go tow to tow!
a little funny, you get an "lol" and 5/10 hard hitting... the 1-2 punch like tokesters tourney...
I know…
This expeditions got you quitt’n, as predicted Im a win grand
Dimense belongs in middlewait… the line at Disneyland!
no... walter... i wish i knew you... id smack you for writing this...just no.
You’ve lost battles from A2Z, don’t convolute
Fuck you pay me?........
This is GTA 3……….now watch me beat this prostitute!
you get a "haha" for this lines funniness...almost an Lol...
You’re a fag to boot….So Im a take my tim’s to ure temple
Checked in late…..
I knew I smelled pussy… we’re both scentimental!
you get a LOL for this lines funniness and it was hittin at a 7 /10 ...
I’m dope and your far from me, we’re not connected
Allegory ripped ya………
even the people who beat u aren’t respected!
that musta hurt his feelings, just a little..nice closer..

Dimense... come harder next week ... Seriously... try.
Walter... come harder also... ur verse was pretty good, but.. i need more material to read, yo. from both you hoes.

v/ walter.