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Old 01-31-04, 07:36 AM   #14
Harlem's Finest
Posts: n/a

Umm pretty close battle...

Kaos.. structure was on point throughout.. first bar was tight.. as were most.. good personals.. consistant..
There were two played bars in there.. which fucked the verse up more than anything..
I don't take each bar seperately and evaluate 'cos it takes away from the verse as a whole.. the flow, and how bars compliment the next.. both were on point here..
Other than those two played parts.. a tight verse...
K.. structure was wack.. coulda worded some parts better.. again, good use of personals.. some good punches.. although I felt they didn't connect at times.. mostly due to the flow..
Creative touches throughout.. but I wasn't feelin the verse as a whole.. a bar or so stood out as real nice.. but the rest was either worded badly, or just didn't do anything for me..

Vote - Kaos Theory

Props to both.. tight battle..