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Old 01-31-04, 04:46 PM   #4
\/ pissing me off!!!!
menolin's Avatar
Posts: 2,122
From: UK

the only official i make, is the first, loss i give you,
the kid couldn't lace me up, his mother does his school shoes,
if illness, was measured in pounds, art boy would be anorexic,
his other battle was so bad, it turned me into a dyslexic,
these little dogs come in, and think they can piss on the big trees,
this guy so weak......
..........he the type that after keyin up text, starts to show fatigue,
im hurting him like 'strokes', leaving him near 'brushes' with death*
i police the front lines, i take away your stress, give you a-rest**
crush this cat, like collapsed buildings, an natural disasters,
im like a kids braking a vase....
.........i leave 'art' poorly fixed, like a young child by using plasters

*stroke an brushes have a conection with art,
**hopefull you should get it a-rest=arrest