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Old 01-31-04, 05:17 PM   #14
÷Thìñg÷'s Avatar
Posts: 198

Tech wants a fast battle Russian me but he'll catch the bullet....
battlin me is like this game ^but you the only one pullin it...
how that gonna end..Tech couldn't key a fuckin Car...
kid got a ghostwriter so he defines buyin out the bar...
taking out this kids parts like the game operation...
Technician fucks up scripts if he does a collaberation...
what you get when you a charasmatic penpal hopefully bail..
for fucks sake stop sendin me your raps from jail...
There bad i would never use em like a one night stand...
need a vacation now cause 4 10 mins i came better than you planned...
aight this was pretty clean but punches didnt connect well wit ya werdplay
cuz you have to make sure ya punches concides with his person and character
overall 7/10 and this was an ok battle verse,keep it up

this was way to simple but it was enough,punches connected well
and also personals connected well too,overall 8/10,keep elavating

hit my sig dogg you no whats going down,1