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Old 01-31-04, 06:40 PM   #5
Posts: n/a

You talking about my style, you think ur the real Savior
No ones understands you , your rap don't have flavor
You wanna battle, then why's your face turning pewter
This kids so ghetto he had to type his rap from my computer
My rhymes don't over lap , they just turn you cross-eyed
You take a single look and turn so dizzy you think ur high
with this i tell you bye, I turn you scared and make you leave
Your sad cause the only word you can spell for your name is mc
I make it hard to breathe....your not talking son your just typin
you don't know what to say in your rhymes, so you just put a hyphen
I stick in a knife, just to make sure that u are cooked enough
It took ur ass half an hour to write a rhyme that really sucked
I don't get buck , or mad, I just get revenge......
next time use a spell check right before you press send
So sad you've reached the end, you can't rap cause your a homo
Even your friends of all dissed you , you've made like Han and gone solo
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