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Old 01-31-04, 07:47 PM   #1
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CBL: "I should have been"


"I should have been"

The story of A famous widow retold and
with another outcome.

Woman is sobbing; crying her heart out.
Remembering all sins she had once commited against her now
late husband. Remembering all the great times they shared.
Alone and shivering in her bathroom tub.

Please tell me why God did this have to happen to me?
Lavishly a nation at our feet we were lacking to see
& I was shagging a fleet, but horrible rumors infest
Truth be told...
...was a sudden pain in my chest, when they ingressed
My actions depicted as evil and I regret my vengenance
Repentance? I put my conscience through death sentence
How foolish I was. . .to justify my actions through hate
Just as soon as he died . . . bitch forfilled her own fate
I rather been mistreated on instead of been cheated on
Beated on, self worth I feel it cursed of sons to be John
Led many to graves but praised he was so cunning & brave
I was a slave to my jealousy cuz he was the newest rage
Remembering the times...when "it was so hard to get her"
For worse or better...
..I never thought I would ever write a "dear john letter"

*Water turns deep red*

Dear John oh I wish with all my soul for Divine Remedy
Sorry children...
...I can't bare being Ms. instead of being Mrs. Kenedy
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