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Old 02-01-04, 01:54 AM   #11
Posts: n/a

People always think that the use of words are the best! When you use big "expanded" words you know like imagination, motivation, affiliation, denomination, probation, stuff like that! Well the truth is guys, rap labels and people honestly don't care about things like that! And if you are going to diss this reply think about it before you do, because this isn't MCrepresenta, this is his Manager! I've read his "battle" and honestly he can't battle that well. He can write very very good, but he can't battle that well. There is a big difference in "freestyling"/"battling" and writing! Take Jin for instance! He can freestyle, I mean that cat can flow, but he can't write songs! "Learn Chinese" has to be the worst song I have heard in a long time! All you need to do is let people know where you are coming from with your lyrics, make it have a statement! That is all you need to do, you don't need "good use of words" like you all put it! And by the way, even though my dawg sucks at battling! Where are you going to be when he signs with J Records in a few weeks? Exactly, you all have no room to talk! Sorry for such a boring lecture, but I just thought I would let you know that all "rap forums" are shitty! No one on here is good, they are just good at dissing people, where do you hear disses in songs? My point again! So anyway as a shoutout! Cop the new CD that will be out in less than a year! The MC (Multicultural Club) the Multicultural Album, Hutch n DC!
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