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Old 02-01-04, 10:33 AM   #19
[/merk material]
Posts: 1,124

Originality - Both
Punches - Kaos
Personals - Both
Flow - Both

VoTe = Kaos

It comes down to this.. both of u came wiv mad personals.. really creative an witty.. both did ur hwk.. jus felt Kaos had more quotables an some fresher concepts..

"Dangling by his wackness..tryed getting away..but he's hooked
K's Sporting a false win in his sig...
......................................theres no loss for Wise..even look!
Got dickrode to tha max last time..But tha fucker lost it upping
Wanted to acually drop shit for once..I caught his ass dumping"

That was a sikk opener an he neva fell off throughout the verse.. props to both of u..

Drop a vote on this plz:

- Deja Vu -
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