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Old 02-01-04, 02:00 PM   #4
Harlem's Finest
Posts: n/a

I peeped ya last battle with Proof son.. I'm ashamed I even read it
Wanted me to set the battle up.. still.. its not often herbs earn credit
Tried signing up to LLL.. basically you've gotta elevate to get that far
l l
l l
Face facts.. This is the only way West could ever raise the bar..
Fool couldn't beat a drum, I'm surprised you even took the chance
Obviously can't take the strain... even his AIM handle is pissypants!
Derives from a family of achievers, the herb himself was exstatic
Mom's debut... double page spread........ National Geographic!
His whole profiles one big punchline.. I mean seriously.. why accept?
Kid purchased 'Rap for Dummies'.. seems he's still readin the second step