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Old 02-01-04, 08:03 PM   #89
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by Canuck
^ No he doesn't Monkey Hook boy.

Anywho, all honesty, I must admit I think it's dope your career is in the D.O.D., and it was wrong of me to bring up the sensitive issue such as this, especially when it hit's home like that to some people. BUT You can't say what I believe is wrong, there is just waaaaay to much evidence against the Government to say it wasn't a set-up. Myself, I'm 24 working on a 3rd degree as well, so I won't tolerate anyone on here insulting my intelligence either.

We absolutly see things from different sides of the spectrum, and if your job is to protect your country, than it's a damn good thing you see things the way you do. I know I'm not the only one in the world who see's this. You should have an open mind about this........

May I suggest the following:

Stupid White Men - Michael Moore
Alice in Wonderland - David Icke
Biggest Seceret - David Icke

I always take what I read with a Grain of Salt, but this open's the doors to new perspectives.

Word to your mother.

Now that's a respectable post from you, don't get me wrong, I give credit where credit is due. I understand your speculation, I mean it's well know the conspiracy theories on boths sides of the fence, but I have offered up crediable and factual information so far on everyone of the points you have tried to make, and so many others discussed here on RB. If you want to offer them up just to be cut back down, go a head, but it was only when you crossed that line with me did I direct my aim towards you. Telling me to read a book, is about the funniest thing you can do, sense most here know I am an avid reader, and have read and researched everyone one of those out of touch subjects you suggested. I get paid to shoot down the conspiracies of the left and right, so I do a good amount of research. To talk about degrees, I only listed those bacherlors associated with my career. Everyone here know's that I am a life long student and have qualificatons and credentials in many other fields, such as Poly sci, governement, ancient egyptology, psycology, and currently working towards a degree in astrobiology. It's in my governments best interest to keep an active education, no matter where in the world I may be. DOD courses by far have proven to be the best bet for a solid education. I've done the university thing, private school thing, and industy education (Northrop univeristy, Raytheon advanced technical education programs), but none can come close to the DOD endorsed schools. Don't think my mind isn't open, remember I get paid to have a open and complex mind, not to be one sided and shallow. I have found the idealism of the left to be morally retarded, after givng it a fair chance to logically prove it's self, yet logically it does not stack up. Make the case, and I'll show you were it's flawed, and if you make the right case I'll be sure to back it. Either way, with the intel I am briefed with daily, it's hard to bring something to my attention that was not already in the past. I have to be on top of the situation, so it means long before these idiots put out thier books, remarks or publishing, we have already disected them...
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