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Old 02-01-04, 10:43 PM   #19
No Cure For MadNess...
Posts: 448
From: The Empire State (NY)

Damn A good battle indeed.
Punches- Both had some humerous hard hittin punches, But Tele Jus brought more to the table, Came harder..the crock of shit line and the escalade line stuck out the most...
Personals- Both had some descent personals, I think wise put more creativity in to his personals,Intraduced u to death shit was kinda played but at the same time it was nice...wise def. got personals
Flow- Both had ight flows, wise kinda fucked his up at the end of his that gave tele the upper hand and made his flow better....
Structure-Both had ok structures, Both sqaubled at the end of there shit...tie
wordplay- Tele Used more basic words, kinda played,wise put more creativity into his shit, ok use of meta's.....Meek decsion but I'm gonna have to say wise got this

Wow this battle was so close its not even funny...But i think Tele Just brought more humerous shit to the table, though some of it was played it still hit harder then wise's shit, Wise had some good punches but some were worded uncorrectly,couldve been worded better....I'm gonna have to go w/ tele just becuase his punches were much more humerous and he had more of a solid flow...

V/ Telekinetic

..........Mad Mike..........

(Crazier Than A Pitbull On Crack)