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Old 02-01-04, 11:48 PM   #1
New to RB
Posts: 88



My life spells doom, as I sit in a hotel room
Battling with my future...which in-tells doom
No hope, so I inhale fumes that take me away
Away from a slow decay, eating my soul today
I’d have chose to pray, but god just dumped me
&, then I notice a man sitting across from me
He noticed me at the same time, & it came time
For our profane mind to release contained lines
That pertained times when I still had a spark
So I begin to approach him, slowly in the dark
The anticipation is slowly growing in my heart.
And as we grow closer, I begin to see his figure
Somehow, a bit of comfort is what this triggers
His skin is dark as the nights skies
As dark as me....match that with his bright eyes
His presence seeps of a deep seated contrast
And His skin contains remnants of a strong past
A past of so much potential, that was gone fast
Then he suddenly makes eye contact with me
So I await his intense speech, very contently
But then he tenses up........and clinches his fists
What intention is this?...
Is what I wonder, as he just stares through me
He jerked as if to punch...
I slightly flinched as his actions confused me
Then his fist completely loosened and he broke down
Crying continuously, I could see his soul drown
I feel like I could just fold now..seeing his doom
I spray glass cleaner on the mirror in front of me.......
..................... and finish cleaning this room

I’ve got eight more rooms to clean tonight. I don't have time to weep.....

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