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Old 02-02-04, 03:51 PM   #63
Gunman tha Great
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Lethargic
^You really have no clue about what you're talking about do you? It doesn't matter. It's pointless arguing with someone so simple minded. Regardless of what you think, you've done nothing but validate your lack of intelligence for me. Anyone that's lived in St. Louis, Chi Town, NYC, LA, etc....knows exactly what I'm talking about. You're just some punk from a pretty town whose parents probably have a perfect marriage with 2 poodles in your house. In case you can't read...I grew up in South City. My parents lived in NoCo...but I was rarely there. South City = The Ghetto. I'm not claiming to be ghetto. I don't think ghetto's a place if you ask me...ghetto's a personality. It's all how you display yourself. It's where I grew up, but it isn't me. Get your facts straight. Pz herb.

Naw i aint got 2 poodles, and my mom and dad split b4 i was born,and ghetto by definition is a fucking place, and somebody from the burbs can't 'display' themself as ghetto, its called being a wannabe.But according 2 what you say, any and everybody is ghetto.Go play somewhere small child.
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