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Old 02-02-04, 05:47 PM   #11
VanIllabymidnite's Avatar
Posts: 163
From: T-Town

Here's how I see it.

Flow=Con, his flow had a much better structure which made it easier to read. Red, you need to work on your flow, it was hard to read which took away from your verse.

Punches=Con, he had more punches that hit harder. Red, you need to work on punching, you didn't really come with any punches you mostly talked about yourself which isn't what your supposed to do in a battle.

Personals=Con, once again, he had more personals that were better. Red, you didn't really come with any personals either, this is another area that you should work on, personals can win you battles.

Vocab=Con, he had a lot more vocab in his verse than Red, it opened up his drop so that he could have made it even better than it was. Red, you came with pretty basic vocab, I realized this cause it's something I need to work on also, more vocab would help you open up the options while dropping a piece.

Over all=Con, you came pretty good on this drop, it was a good read and had some good stuff in there. If you have anything to work on it's probably getting some metas or some more word play.
Red, you need to work on your punches, personals, vocab, but for now you should focus on your flow. It really takes away from the read when everything all bunched up like that. If you work on those things it will really improve your drops.


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