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Old 02-02-04, 06:03 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

I hear the raindrops reverberate a symphony off the pavement...
The screams of a nations ancestry brought over on a slaveship....
The president screams for war the nation hopes for peace....
neither listens to the other the outcomes loved ones deceased...
I hear an industry in shambles..put your ear to the street..
Hip-hops dead if you a true head I know you feel me...
Listen to parents chiding children they no longer understand...
Listen to children raised off of bullshit words like.."Get it anyway you can"..
Listen to the poets of the world try to find beauty in devastation....
Listen to the racist factions ruinin unity with legal demonstration...
Listen to the wonders of nature, take in serene silence...
Listen to every man,woman, and child strive to stop sensless violence...
Listen to the tears of the victims, the excuses of the accused....
cheers of the opressed for a dictator out of fear of being abused...
Listen to their struggles, Personify objects give them life and sound..
for each creature tells a story always unique and innately profound...
Listen to the Hustle-bustle of a world shrouded in shadows...
Populated by innocent souls lead like a slaughter to the gallows....
Hear the hunger pains cried by the less fortunate we tend to ignore...
that's just white noise compared to the sensless savagery we abhor..
Listen to generations before us protest they did their best...
as we vainly scoff at our elders and show respect......