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Old 02-03-04, 10:05 AM   #3
Born To Kill
Born To Kill's Avatar
Posts: 2,936
From: Houston, Texas

Don't care ta know Phil, maybe he's an alias, maybe he ain't...
But I see he's from England, couldn't spit blackness if he spit paint.
My verse is the main attraction, ya nothin, there I've said it...
I'm tha reason peeps are readin, you'll get ignored like credits.
Ya just ain't the real thing, though ya may be fun, my man...
At least fat bitches like you, fully charged in tha nightstand.
Ya just a bad joke, completely played out is what ya are...
Consider Phil similar to, "A rabbi, priest, and monk walk into a bar."
It's easy rippin hits on this pussy, like smackin doubles and triples...
I've completely exposed you a bitch, like Janet Jackson's nipple.
Merkings will occur Monday thru Friday, 8 am thru 5 pm, C.S.T.
For my convenience, not yours!