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Old 02-03-04, 11:04 AM   #8
Best In The Game
Posts: 887

OK freeza die need to learn how to stuctuer your shit better and work on punches........LIL you had some OK shit but wasnt really feelin both need to elevate and work on it far the weakest battle of all time...
ok heres the break down
punches:LIL had some ok punches freeza i wasnt feelin any of um.
flow:nethier of u had flow in this battle
structuer:freeza ya structuer was wack as hell/LILyours was to but it was better then freeza's
wordplay:nethier of you had any wordplay,u need to learn how to use the words alittle better with out streching your lines
personals:LIL had some personals on freeza,freeza didnt have 1 good personal on LIL....come on guy's this rap shit is easy,try not to talk abpout your self in your battles but diss the hell out of the person you are VSing....hopefuly i have helped u guys out..........*1*
my vote: lilrenegade89..............