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Old 02-03-04, 12:58 PM   #12
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Don't care ta know Phil, maybe he's an alias, maybe he ain't...
But I see he's from England, couldn't spit blackness if he spit paint.
^hehe a punch but only an ok one eheh
My verse is the main attraction, ya nothin, there I've said it...
I'm tha reason peeps are readin, you'll get ignored like credits.
^nice nice i liked it alot..good punch good meta......
Ya just ain't the real thing, though ya may be fun, my man...
At least fat bitches like you, fully charged in tha nightstand.
^meh this was ok.....
Ya just a bad joke, completely played out is what ya are...
Consider Phil similar to, "A rabbi, priest, and monk walk into a bar."
^creative and a good punch.....
It's easy rippin hits on this pussy, like smackin doubles and triples...
I've completely exposed you a bitch, like Janet Jackson's nipple.
^bhahhah nice use of current events for a good punch...

Born-to-Kill in this battle its better if you don?t show up like Porn-on-ya-Bill
Stunning shows of wit "Anally raping me" is the only time your "Cumming close to my shit"
^this is ok the sex line is played the meta on the first line is ok though...
At JUNCTURES I REVEAL, Your Best-to-Steer-clear, ya text-career is like a PUNCTURED WHEEL cos you need to Re-Tyre!
You aspire to acquire the required to leave me expired, you can conspire but it wont transpire got the desire but you uninspired, some THOUGHTS NEEDED being a "ASTRONAUT WEEDED" is the only time you a "High-Flyer"
^holy shiat thats stretched alot of multis but you lost the effect of your punch
I'm "heavyweight gold" your lucky to get "Intercontinental"
Wit Nonchalance-I-win my hype-grows like "sponsoring psycho?s"you "Fund-A-Mental"
You win? It aint raining-in-hell so your obtaining "McPherson" cos you gaining an "Elle" (L)^ehhe i like this last line but its not enough to take out B2k he came to well ...
Vote-B2k..plz return favor...this is slept on and its a nice topical battle...