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Old 02-03-04, 11:29 PM   #6
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
The Necromancer's Avatar
Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

Yeah but... the concept of a nostalgia thread is stupid.

Simply put, he rapped for the Ninja Turtles, that was cool. But nobody wants a forum of five hundred threads dedicated to how To the Extreme ol' Vanilla Ice can go. Know what I mean?

I highly doubt any one here is even old enough to remember old school. And if you are, you got serious problems chilling with a bunch of little kids you closet pedophile... wait... I'm not in the closet.

By that I mean, I'll stick with my Grandmaster Flash, Afrika Bambaataa and DJ Kool Herc (The originators of Hip-Hop). And if anyone wants to learn, I'll be more than happy to send them to some rescources to edumucate them. In fact... here's a great STARTING POINT...

'Nuff said.
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