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Old 02-04-04, 01:09 AM   #3
New to RB
Posts: 9
From: Sydney Australia

My words are to your confidence like needle's to a bubble
Like earthquakes to buildings, they leave you in rubble
In life you only reap what you sew, so I guess you earned this
Your words are like Monopoly money, they're just plain worthless
I'll unearth these truths and haunt your dreams like nightmares
Your shit was just like nursery rhymes written for child care
I can see kids singin along to it like Barney the purple Dinasaur
I grow and cause pain, cease your speech like a sinus sore
You keep gettin shown up, beat up, u still dont see my lore?
Fury fuming from your defeat, man why did u fight this war?
You're going cold, like when God put a stop to Earth's core
I am the ram*, you are the door, I am Knightmare, hear me roar

*-Battering ram
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