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Old 02-04-04, 06:33 AM   #9
New to RV
Posts: 56

I can't vote because I dont have enough posts, but heres some feedback anyways.
FLOW- Both were alright, but timeless did a better job. Sylicon was decent although his shit kind of sounded like a run- on sentence at the end.
PUNCHES/PERSONALS- Timeless by far had better punches and personals. I liked the one about the avatar and the pre-writing. Sylicon needs to work on his punches,far too weak and a little simple. Also needs to use more personals, doesn't really do a good job of dissing on timeless.
ORIGINALITY- Timeless had some good lines, particularly the one dissing Sylicon's avatar.Overall not bad, although a few concepts were a little played out. As for Sylicon, he needs to try and be more creative. His lines weren't very original and the ideas were a little simple.

All in all, I felt that this one wasn't even close. While both had decent flow, timeless had stronger punches and had more personals. Sydicate needs to work on using more and stronger puches /personals. This to me was the deciding factor.. my vote goes to: