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Old 02-04-04, 11:18 AM   #47
Rare One
Posts: 327
From: B.831

You see didnt some one already use half that verse against me?
I love it how VP sets ignorance come on cat honestly
I dunno if its his talent or snoops hair thats lookin so corny
Comen bitchs bring me somthing hot, half these cats bore me
And village? well that fuckin fags just horny
lookin to fuck any hole that could fit the size of an acorn see

Ill detach ya retna's then throw um at you
now that you see how wack you are arent you glad i just smacked you
Fucks this shit, ill even go and complete a punch
To bad half you shaken ne's when its come time to crunch
like sluts with ease son i get these punks ready to duck
point to tongues... ya.... with these you punch