Thread: Evolve...
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Old 02-04-04, 01:22 PM   #51
Harlem's Finest
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Evolve
Wow..^^^ That Was A Poor Attempt At Humor...

If They Wanted Humor... They Could Just Go To Your Pic & Laugh At How Sad & Pathetic You Look

Its not an attempt at anything.. its a percieved statement..

Dropping a thread.. bout how kids look like herbs.. before posting a pic of yourself like that.. gives me good insight into your personality..

Your facial features don't match the rest of the pic.. simply put..
I found it highly amusing 'Hottie' replyed to your texts.. so you mail her some shit..

Your statements in the other thread are unfound..
I'd cane you in the street.. you aint shit kid.. the whole pose/photo proves that..

Personally.. I couldn't give a fuck how 'well known' you are the site.. to me.. you're a herb..
Keep coming back with witty remarks.. they mean nothing.. I know when peeps front.. you're a prime example..
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