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Old 02-04-04, 06:17 PM   #57
New to RB
Posts: 90

Shit my bad, I was 4 minutes to late...

I'll diss the cat above me.

Trejon, mixuped letters cuz he misspelled Trojan.
He wanted to be original so he cut off his penis, and became a woman.
He got squiggly lines so we can tell apart his parts.
I need nothing of the sort, I'mma tear him up like old women do wal marts.
Why come to a cypher to make your first post?
Probably cuz in Front lines, You get eaten up like roast.
So whats the big deal wit this kid anyways?
I'll tell you what, his rhymes suck, and i wouldnt buy his cd if it was on layaway.