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Old 02-04-04, 09:06 PM   #62
Rare One
Posts: 327
From: B.831

Bite me... wait this cat may make use of that line
this cat spit real good...just look at destineds rhyme
ima pray to the heavens this cat dont go past 29
If your an Angel li calR then your frontin dead
You know your wack an still claim skill instead
You two should use each other to fill ya heads
ejaculating like the two of you were in bed
Were do you cum off? i mean shit, im asking
procrastinating with played line, i know your half fasting
so 50 cent of there lines show up on tape like masking
There just fronting, like transvestites without asking

Ill make these punchs your final fantasy
hit first your sexuality, then yor lack of skill an talent see
I predict your fates basicly
Fuck your race, you already handed me the victory