Thread: Se7eN v.s Venom
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Old 02-04-04, 09:32 PM   #45
VanIllabymidnite's Avatar
Posts: 163
From: T-Town

Here's how I see it.

Flow=Venom, his verse was much easier to read and it just flowed better. 7's was just a bit messed up which made the flow worse.

Punches=7, he had more punches that hit harder, venom you should have done more punching.

Personals=7, he put more personals out there, venom didn't really put any personals other than fag shit which is played out.

Vocab=Venom, he had a higher level of vocab than 7.

Over all=Venom, you need to work on you punches, and your personals, good personals and punches is what wins battles, you had a better flow and vocab, but that's not going to win you a battle unless punches and personals are close, just keep working on it and you'll get there.
7, you had some good punches and personals in there, you need to work on you flow because it was a little hard to read your verse at times, you should also try and develop your vocab a bit, some good vocab will help you go a long way.

Vote=7, he had better personals, and punches, had to give it to him.

Please vote on my battles.
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