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Old 02-04-04, 10:19 PM   #17
New to RB
Posts: 141

Spit- Had the best and worst punches of the battle. Like the "R Riding Dick" line, nice wordplay. Structure was fine and it flowed nicely. Ur opener was wayyyy too played and ur finisher wasn't great. Sometimes, it almost seemed like you tried too hard to be witty, like the sig. line. But decent drop.

Jacent- Ehhhh expected more from you. No punches really stood out from you. It actually flowed really well, but ur structure wasn't great. The Halo line was pretty nice, ur best line by far. Ur opener was wack though and ur finisher was decent.

Overall, Spit took this for the reasons above. Please hit my battle up with .:K:. Much appreciated and respect to both. Peaceeeee
Ur not wack................ I'm just better

reppin strong, wurdshizle